

"..I have forgotten nothing in my life that ever had a foremost place there...but that poor dream...has all gone by."
Charles Dickens: Great Expectations

Who Murdered Pip? 

Charles Dickens wrote two endings to Great Murdering the Classics has provided another! When Pip finally returned to England, free from debt, a partner in his firm, reconciled to his friends, he became engaged to his lost love, Estella. But in Murdering the Classics, their happiness was short-lived. Pip was shot in his old quarters at Barnard’s Inn, as he opened his door. The murderer, choked with tears, said "I am sorry. It was the only way." Only Pip’s dearest friends and closest colleagues knew where Pip was staying…one of them has murdered him! Pip, who had struggled so long to repay his debts, to emerge from the shadows of the convict who had adopted him, to free himself from the deranged plots of Miss Havisham, had finally and honourably achieved happiness. We must show him the same honour…and solve this terrible crime.